From: Mazzola, Tory (Ensign) []
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2:01 PM
To: Leffingwell, Matt; Bybee, Stewart

The release has gone out.  Here is the final.



Funding for Our Troops Overseas Remains Critical Issue


February 13, 2007


Washington, D.C. – Senator John Ensign and Representatives Jon Porter and Dean Heller expressed disappointment today as House and Senate Democrats continue to shut down debate and block Republican alternatives on critical issues such as Iraq and funding for our troops.


“Democrats said they would reach across the aisle and work in a bipartisan manner, but they’re denying major alternatives that we want to debate.  Their actions are hypocritical to what they campaigned on for so long,” said Ensign.  “I’m disappointed because I want to send a message of support to our troops; I want to ensure that they will have all the funding they need to finish the job; and I want victory in Iraq.  The Democrats’ strategy on Iraq amounts to nothing more than political posturing while our troops are in harm’s way.”


“All 435 members of Congress represent our troops on the ground,” Congressman Porter said today. “To prevent an alternative point of view is not only inappropriate but implies the majority is taking a highly partisan approach to this important debate. It is unfortunate that the Democrats have chosen to send such a disheartening message to our service men and women on the ground.”


“The new majority in Congress has been a drastic change for our government. In my first two days in Congress Democrats proposed making it easier to raise taxes, and then on my 14th day they forced a vote to actually raise taxes.  Their agenda is completely closed off and hidden from the American people, with no attempts at reconciliation, no hearings or committee action, and no open process.  On Iraq, Democrats have offered no real proposal, nothing to vote in support of, and no plan on how to win,” said Heller.


During debate on an Iraq resolution last week, Senate Democrats did not allow any Republican proposals, one of which declared that Congress should not cut off funding for the troops in the field.  This week the Senate is considering a spending bill drafted by Democrats which cuts funding for our troops returning home from overseas.


After conflicting statements from the House majority leadership on the Republican’s potential involvement in this week’s debate, the Democrats subsequently prohibited an alternative resolution or motion to recommit.

