From: Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:34 AM To: Cathy Barcomb Cc: Allen Biaggi; Ron Wenker; Ms. Amy Lueders; Dean Bolstad; Don Glenn; Alan Shepherd; Mr. Edwin Roberson; Subject: July 10 Meeting With NV Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses Cathy, It is unfortunate that we've had a misunderstanding of the purpose and intent of the meeting scheduled for this Friday, July 10. I'm glad we discovered the misunderstanding before the meeting, rather than at the meeting. My understanding from your voice mail message is that it is Allen Biaggi's and Dr. Kirk's preference would be to postpone Friday's meeting until such time BLM is in a position to discuss specific actions/commitments that we would be agreed to in some type of "consent decree" type document. Therefore, with this message, I am cancelling Friday's meeting which was scheduled to begin at 9 AM in the BLM State Office in Reno. You expressed a interest to reschedule the July 10 meeting as soon as possible (you reference within the next couple of weeks) where we would discuss/negotiate settlement terms and that you would be waiting to hear from me as to when BLM could be ready. The purpose of that meeting would be to reach agreement as to the settlement terms which would then be presented to the NV Attorney General's office and the Regional Solicitor's office to develop the appropriate settlement document. Upon my return to the State Office on Friday, I will convene an internal BLM meeting/conference call to discuss the approach you've outlined. I will try to have this meeting as quickly as possible but cannot commit as to when it will occur due to the number of folks who need to participate. Following that meeting, I will be in contact with you either by telephone or e-mail. I do not have Dr. Kirk's e-mail address so would appreciate you passing this message along to him. I will in a meeting again all day tomorrow; however, if you wish to discuss this further, please call my cell phone and leave a voice mail message. I'll return your call during a break. If I don't hear anything, I will assume you're in agreement to postpone Friday's meeting and I'll convene the internal BLM meeting/conference call. Mike