From: Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:34 PM To: Cathy Barcomb Cc: Allen Biaggi; Ron Wenker; Ms. Amy Lueders;;;; Subject: Outlining State's Areas of Concern Cathy, After our telephone conversation yesterday during which you addressed the State's concern with the age of the AMLs, I'm not confident now that BLM fully understands all of the State's concerns that should be addressed in any "settlement" type discussions. At this point in time, the only written document which outlines the State's concerns is the draft Complaint, which I don't remember addressing the age of the AML. To ensure that everyone understands the specific issues the State feels need to be addressed, I believe it would be beneficial if the Commission would put, in writing, (1) their specific concerns and (2) what the Commission believes would be acceptable solutions to correct those concerns. Such a list could serve as the starting point for any discussions, if such discussions occur. Perhaps this is something that you wish to discuss during your meeting tomorrow morning. I'm trying to schedule an internal BLM conference call for tomorrow morning. If I can get the right players on the call, I hope to have provide some feedback to you and the Commission by close of business tomorrow. I'm headed back to Reno now and should be in the office tomorrow. Mike