2:-5: John D. Campbell, Pioche '83 and wife, Margaret Linwood Campbell, grandson. 6:-18: Dr. Z. N. Spalding, Susanville. 19:-22. 1892 Jim Williams Hotel, Ft. Bidwell, California, concert in the parlor. Left: jim Williams, Floyd Williams, Floyd Smith, Laura Ward, Henry Kober, Dr. Bradbury, Dr. Bradbury's son, Mrs. Bradbury, Millie Smith Sara Smith (mother), Dr. George Kober. 23: M. Pringle and A. P. Sohn when Pringle became honorary medical staff member. 24: M. Pringle and A. P. Sohn when Pringle became honorary medical staff member. 25: M. Pringle and A. P. Sohn when Pringle became honorary medical staff member.