Image of an aircraft and car at the Reno airport.
Photograph of Reno, Nevada; Aerial Mail Hangar; ca. 1930s; Photo by Nevada Photo Service. ID: UNRS-P1992-01-1165

It looks like the page you are looking for no longer exists

We do our best to keep links up to date, but content does change from time to time.

If you have an old link for an object in our holdings, you can use the tips below to find the new URL.

You can also contact us directly with any questions or problem reports.

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Tips for tracking down a URL

A recent migration changed the URL assigned to each object in the Digital Archive. So if you have a link from the old site, it will no longer work. Use these tips to track down the new URL. 

If you have the object ID or title

Search by the ID or title, keeping in mind that the ID's take on several forms:

  • For more recent materials, especially documents like the "1940 snow surveys graph" from the Church collection, the ID will look like: NC96_22_64_10_2
  • Photographs, especially from older collections, will have an ID similar to the one used for the image of "Buckhorn Restaurant, Kings Beach" in the Lake Tahoe collection: UNRS-P2007-04-25

If you have the URL

Search using the Digital Archive Legacy ID, which is the string of data following the last forward slash in the URL.

  • For example, let's say that you have the URL for the text data from the Senator Heller collection:
  • In this case, the legacy ID is: heller%3A3527
  • It can also be represented as heller_3527 or heller:3527

If you only have the collection or object title

  • Consider browsing its home collection or using general keywords to narrow down the number of search results
  • Should these options fail, contact our team and we will help you find the object